Floating Tilt Maze
How to play
- The maze floats and moves with the ball
- A new maze is generated when you press play
- You cannot see the entire maze
- Tilt your phone to move the ball
- You start on the pink block
- You win when you reach the red block
- You get 50 points and a level bonus points when you win
- Under 3 minutes is a 10 point bonus
- You can pause the clock by showing the menu
- You can drag the maze with your finger
- If you drag while the clock is counting down its free
- You lose one point per second while you drag
- Levels define the dimensions of the maze
- As the levels go up the mazes get larger
- A perfect score on a maze is 60 points
- You gain a level every 180 Pointes
Coming soon
- Save ane replay mazes you have solved
- Choose the level you wish to play
- Choose/generate background image
- Choose colors
This game is evolving
Thank you so much for playing. I really value your feedback please let me know what you think, what
feature ideas you may have
and especially any bugs you may have found. You can do this by writing an App Store Review.
Some ideas about what you may see in the future
If you beat a maze you can give it a difficulty score and publish it
- New maze types
- a maze that slowly spins while you navigate it
- a maze with power up fruit and goblins
- Voting to set the maze difficulty
- Change how points work based on maze difficulty